Debunking shit because you lot are a bunch of turds

“The burden of proof (“onus probandi” in Latin) is the obligation to provide sufficient supporting evidence for claims that you make. For example, if a politician claims that a new policy will lead to a positive outcome, then the politician has a burden of proof with regard to this claim, meaning that they need to provide evidence that supports it.”-Someone you should listen to before making baseless claims

Recent clusterfuck of allegations. IT’S FUCKING JULY HOW LONG IS THIS GONNA KEEP UP

So deathwalkingg has called me a racist bigot.. again..

Here’s a link to everything deathwalkingg has said about me (the groupchat leak only) debunked!!

And here is the long paragraph i mentioned in some of the pics:

So what are my views on sex lgbt education?

Sex and relationships

Obviously for pre puberty kids, it’s fine to teach them about good touch and bad touch and how to stay safe from pedos. It’s not appropriate to teach kids about any sort of relationships especially sexual ones before puberty cause at its core, it’s unnecessary. Mentioning that gay couples exist is fine tho. Just no in depth talk about any relationships at this stage. For those in puberty, kids can be taught about sexual orientations but make it age appropriate. Definitely no talk about masturbation and kinks (that’s fucking creepy). Also it should be kept tame, no talk about joke sexualities like dreamsexual. Flags in the classroom? I’m kinda neutral towards that. It’s a lil weird if it’s in an elementary school due to kids potentially asking about it. But if it’s in high school idc, as long as there’s no tucute bs)

Trans and non binary and intersex

No talk of this in classrooms till puberty. Why? It’s a complicated topic. And it can confuse kids into thinking they are something they aren’t. (And we all know that kids can literally believe they are an actual animal) Obviously if there are signs of gender dysphoria before puberty, get that kid a psych evaluation. During puberty, it’s fine to teach that but definitely don’t treat these topics the way tucutes do. Tell them that gender dysphoria is a rare mental disorder and being trans isn’t a choice. Just keep everything tame and do not mention xenogenders and neopronouns and we will have a grand day. Keep shit factual and age appropriate is all I’m saying

I’m also reminded. Keep classrooms apolitical. No talk of current events pls. Kids already have skyrocketing mental issues. They don’t need to know about what horrible shit happens in the world. Let them be kids dammit. They are children. The only thing that can come from them is they get worried and anxious. It’s not like they are gonna run protests and stuff. It’s only negative for them.

And here’s the link on why deathwalkingg is a hypocrite about feral nsfw:

Funny convo

I may have pissed off crownamedcrow a lil bit..

(As a so-called Palestine supporter, why are you dickriding Israel's ally? Tut tut)

*i proceed to jerk off to feral dragon porn*

Also if someone makes me hate art i'm gonna post a pic to twitter of my jizz all over the screen. I’m not joking. Especially if they drew Wilbur with big boobie breasts.

Some more spewed diarrhoea from beastia_artis. Basically her trying to defend herself… badly..

‘Force minors to draw nsfw. Groomer, pedo, send unsolicited nudes etc etc’ SEE STASH LINKS!

You know what? This one genuinely made me mad. How could you make up shit this heinous about people and get away with it? That is a straight up diabolical lie. Never NEVER have I forced ANYONE to draw nsfw against their will. The burden of proof lies upon the person making the claim. There’s nothing to say about this except for this is an actual SHITTY move. Genuinely fuck you.

Edit: turns out the ‘minor’ i forced/groomed to draw nsfw is older than me, drew feral porn way before i knew she existed, i commissioned her to draw me feral nsfw  and her name is thunderpenprincess. ABSOLUTELY RETARDED CLAIM. HOW CAN YOU CREATE SUCH A STUPID ACCUSATION?

Now the pedo shit is so fucking stupid. They literally cannot for the life of them read and understand anything I write. They took this and this and took whatever kind of diarrhoea out of their brain and mashed it up to create a diabolical nonsensical fictional fantasy cuckoolander fabrication.

Also here’s more stuff after I confronted them about lying about me:

Here’s their stupid beware debunked once again warning it is cringe:

‘Associated with provincia1’

So a new doc was made on someone I follow and barely know. I was in her server for a long time under a different alias. I barely if ever talked there. I figured i could get some clout if i changed it and started talking there when the whole drama happened so i did and i got what i wanted. I changed it to something distempetor themed and said some minor things on there on the day it happened. Then the doc came around and claimed prov was associating with me. I repeat: WE DON’T INTERACT. Since i've been dragged into the drama i decided to troll a lil and deleted the doc since it was in edit mode. Anyway i got kicked from the server cause prov wanted to save her own skin i suppose. We aren't in contact and never even were. Also the doc said that Prov let me delete it. She had no idea I was going to do that, I did it on my own whim.

‘Danger to minors’

According to the same doc I shouldn't be interacting with or being in the same server as minors. Because…?? I draw porn…? I have plenty of minor friends. The doc worded it as if I'm an actual groomer. All I did was draw dragon porn. Now I think they’re probably referring to the fact that I drew wings of fire porn which is a pretty big fandom for all ages. Guess what? There’s WOF porn everywhere. All fandoms have rule34. That doesn’t make me a danger. All my porn is on sites with warnings and you have to make an account to view. Not my problem if they lie about their age.


People say that I'm sexually attracted to dragons. WROOOONGGGGGG (I mean.. maybe..). Im asexual. Drawing my dragon ocs lewd is what I do for fun. I love sexualising my ocs and yes they are hot. Cope harder.

‘Supporting Russia’

Yea and? Are we not allowed to have free speech anymore? Imagine bitching over someone’s political opinion in 2024 (such a crime am I right?). You don’t see me seething over the existence of Ukraine supporters do you? Why is it that no one ever even bothers to ask me why I support Russia in the first place? Always jumping to conclusions and shit. Typical western saviour complex.

‘Feral porn’

My so-called ‘feral’ ocs are just quad versions of their bipedal counterparts. Nothing changes except they have 4 legs now. Bitching about that and calling me a zoo over it is genuinely wild. I will always support feral porn and it’s a hill I’m willing to die on.

Supporting nsfw dragon porn artists

Why the hell not?

‘Racist and a xenophobe and say racist slurs’

Lmao now ur just making shit up. I never said the N word. Literally never. Fucking liars. So I was first called racist when deathwalkingg misinterpreted the novorossiya flag for an american confederate one. 0 apology for that mistake and the damage was done. This evolved into rumours that I was now saying the n word. Which is obviously false. And now it has evolved into me ‘using racist stereotypes’. Also false. The person that was the ‘target’ for the ‘stereotype’ was beastia artis. The same person that brought up my nationality constantly in a malicious way and literally promotes creepy stereotypes against a couple nationalities (like calling Russians zoophiles and Japanese people incest lovers). So to poke fun at them,  I told them to go eat frogs since they are French and she went batshit crazy over that and now I’m apparently a racist evil horrible person. Deathwalkingg also accused me of racism after I said the word voodoo. I’m literally not making this up. That’s their words not mine.


‘Harassment and stalking’

I’m not responsible for whatever harassment you guys think I’m doing. You called me out. You called me a zoophile. You sent me death threats. You accuse and lie about me. You tried to ruin my reputation over art. You bully and dogpile my friends. You shit all over my tame opinions. It’s all your fault. You had it coming. Fuck around and find out. I will defend myself in any way I can. Stop crying over it cause you literally brought it upon yourselves. I’m sorry but if you’re saying I have no right to stand up for myself when people are going around calling me a literal zoophile then I have bad news for you. Some snowflakes think my reactions are violent but they are just used to people who bow down and apologise and deny the allegations. I’m not like that. I don’t suck up to self-righteous people who HARM my reputation. Besides, responding and harmless trolling is not violence despite what people believe.

‘I’m a murderer’... yea they actually call me that. And a ‘genocide supporter’ and a nazi

Some dumbass named Xperhant labelled me as a literal murderer recently. No i’m not joking

Anyway some more screenshots:

What? Double what????

Dude im literally not a zionist what is wrong with u? And if this is about Ukraine then ur just stupid. It’s a war, not a genocide


This one was what I was called after being banned from wanderwings. I’m neither anti or pro ship. However some of my views align more with proship (like feral porn and taboo art and anti harassment over fiction). BUT I don't and never will support csam in any form.

‘I called myself a groomer’

Yea this one’s funny. Instagram has a business feature thing that lets you add a type of business that appears on top of your bio. I found ‘groomer’ on there and thought it was so funny so I put it on my bio. It’s not something I typed out myself, instagram literally has that as a business option.

‘Drawing porn underage’

Yea yup uhuh. Why is this a big deal?

‘Posts/distributes public gore’

Yea i posted gore onto r/NSFL__ The sub description btw: (A sub dedicated to showing footage not suitable to be viewed by the human eyes! The content you see here will be unsuitable for some users and may include imagery of injury or death. We stand to educate, document, report and understand why situations happen and how they could've been avoided.) and r/MedicalGore (The goal of r/MedicalGore is to foster medical discussion and learning through the gruesome reality of the vulnerability of humankind. Posts must have a medical connection and OP interaction with commenters is strongly encouraged.)

Where is the problem? It’s public only if you consent to viewing it. The image in the sub-doc where there’s a drawing of a guy jerking off is CLEARLY a joke image that got deleted. (like u really believe i jerk off and drool to gore?) I was SATIRIZING edgelords) You don’t like it cause I post gnarly stuff online? Get off your high horse. Why don’t you go around cancelling morticians or surgeons who deal with gore at a much higher amount than i do.

‘Calls people slurs’

I’ve only ever called people retards. I mean.. you call me a zoophile and I will call you a retard. Fair trade? Yes? I say retard and retarded constantly. I’m a misdiagnosed autist so I will use that as an excuse (but i would say retard regardless lol). I don’t go around calling actual mentally ill people retards. Unless they are mean to me…….. :(

(Alright this one's funny cause I explicitly say that my diagnoses is 99% a misdiagnosis. Therefore I’m not autistic. But I do like using it in a satirical way such as this because it always pisses someone off and there will always be someone who takes it seriously and does give me slack for saying retard cause they know they would sound ableist for not letting me say it.)

‘Supporter of the Russian confederacy’

Huh?? The fuck is that? See? Of course the people that bitch about my political views don’t know jack shit about ANYTHING geopolitical. First off, this so-called ‘russian confederacy’ was actually started by russians living in eastern ukraine aka donbass. Wanna know why? Everything you could possibly know on why I support Donbass and Russia and why I'm against Ukraine  Second off, yea the flag looks like the American confederate flag and what?? Does that correlation make me a racist or something?

‘Traces real gore’

This is the ‘gore’ trace in question:

It was private art because I was scared about it getting taken down due to the swastika and shit. This is not even gore?? It’s Victor obliterating an azov cuck neonazi. Yea it’s a bloody image but it ain’t gore. Big fat misconception. Taking an issue with this art would really speak volumes.


Again this one’s a head-scratcher. Apparently I’m transphobic for loathing xenogenders and neopronouns. You know, all that tablegender, poo/pee pronoun horseshit? The 4chan shit that tucutes reclaimed that mocks REAL trans people, autistic people and GD? Transphobic?.. Yea.. right.

‘Following people when I have porn on my account’

Back when I turned 18 I wanted to showcase my porn art on insta since I saw other people doing it with big followings and thought ‘huh cool I’ll do that’. So I posted porn there with at least 2 warnings beforehand. I assumed that the warnings were enough. After all, it’s no harder to find porn on the internet just by ticking a ‘yes I’m over 18’ button. Don’t know what ‘following people’ has to do with anything tbh. It’s one thing to shove it into people’s faces but they are acting like I did just that. Anyway I archived it all for the safety of my insta account. ALSO Lucian said that I followed em when they were a minor and they saw all the porn. LIE FAT ASS LIE. WE ARE THE SAME AGE. ALL THE PORN WAS POSTED WHEN WE WERE BOTH 18.

‘Animal abuse’

Again they are doing mental gymnastics accusing me of illegal stuff. Yea i tend to overshare on my stories a crap tonne, including my sus childhood antics. So as a kid i acted like an insane person and killed a lot of insects and also hated dogs and birds cause they shit everywhere. Keep in mind this was all before I was 13. I had fantasies about shooting down birds nests and killing birds with nerf guns and shit and watched a lot of animal gore on youtube (slaughterhouse footage/live feedings/safari footage)

So on instagram I must have posted a youtube comment i found that i made ages ago where i said 'when i grow up i wanna work in a slaughterhouse'. (Very funny how u are cancelling me for this)

Anyway, all that crazy shit is in the past and to clarify i never hurt animals before (minus the insects). I’m a great budgie owner.

So dont judge me for shit i did in the past, i'm not a sociopath i was just a fucked up kid.

‘Signed a bomb’

Apparently this is the most ‘horrific crime’ I committed. So this one teen Russian streamer guy opened these shell signing commissions where every dollar you spend is used towards supporting my country. I thought ‘wow I can be part of Russia’s history and support Donbass!’ and I commissioned my name to be signed on a North Korean shell.

It’s just a shell signing, not some kind of freaky voodoo shit. Everyone and their grandma knows I support Russia so I don’t get why this is even relevant at all. Plus my money went towards something I want anyway.

The funds from the donations go towards the Russian military and towards families living in and around the front line. My funds went towards this:Here’s an example:

‘Zoosadism and necro’

Can’t draw gore porn in detroit. Can’t have shit in detroit. I don’t get off to abuse, I like drawing taboo things. Have a problem with that? Block and move on, you utter snowflake. If it’s not illegal to draw. I will draw it. Same as drawing gore.

‘Pro North Korea’

I fucking love that country. It’s incredibly based and so is China. Have a problem with that? You might just be a dog of the US empire or a xenophobe.

‘Incest dragon rape porn’

Yes I draw taboo things get over it. Why does that matter? Does your gory murder art make you a sadistic criminal too? Or does it only apply to art of sexual crimes?

‘Uncensored porn’

Lie. It was censored. It always had at least 2 warning posts before the porn. Anyway I yapped about this earlier so the case closed.

‘Porn of pg13 media’

Good god. WHO CARES? Ever heard of BRONIES? OR R34? Who the fuck cares.