Victor Carney

"Holy crap Will, you're dick is so slimy"


art by me


  • Dragon
  • Male
  • ESFP
  • 7w6
  • Alive


  • Skier
  • Buff ass legs
  • Dumbass crybaby
  • Skater


The profile includes:

Content relating to:

  • Child abuse
  • School shooting
  • Vore
  • Homophobia
  • Teen pregnancy
  • Rape
  • Porn including feral
  • Gore
If you don't like that stuff don't proceed. It's your own fault if you look at it and whine about it, don't look at me.

I read and understood the warnings


Odd fella


NAME Victor Carney ALIASES Vic, Ripley
AGE 40 HEIGHT 5'11"
BIRTHDAY 1st Nov 1983 STAR SIGN Scorpio
OCCUPATION Unemployed VOICE CLAIM Logan Hugueny
POSITION Top ROLE Sub/switch
GENITALS Short fat dick with ridges LIBIDO Pretty high



  • Planes
  • Skiing
  • Sweet things


  • Work
  • Criticism
  • Rain


Victor at heart is a life-loving hedonist. He's addicted to doing anything dangerous all for cheap thrills and seeks any sort of physical stimuli. Has very good 'photographic memory' and spots things very easily. Vic lacks the ability to think past surface level logic, making him seem very shallow and unintelligent. He never thinks about consequences, he just dives straight into things without acknowledging what could happen to him. He also tends to neglect his hygiene and health and is careless with relationships due to his addiction to instant stimulation. He's the type to float about and let life push him around, never committing to or making any sort of long term plans for himself. Terrible foresight in general and no regard for the future or past. Vic has no sense of embarrassment either, he's capable of acting like a nutjob in public even though he gets insecure about it hours later. He has a bad habit of seeking comfort whenever he is faced with anything negative. He's notoriously hypersensitive to criticism, overindulges in things he enjoys, and runs from anything that brings him even the mildest discomfort. If there's a problem or god forbid you criticise him, good luck cause he will do everything in his power to not fix it and will not take that criticism well. Victor also gets upset very easily and cries a lot but recovers quickly. Due to his asshole parents, he is very emotionally immature and relies on others for comfort a lot. He gets very attached to others deeply despite them only seeing Vic as a little more than a stranger. Others can find him super overbearing and exhausting to deal with. He's also a bit selfish. Very hesitant to share stuff like food but loves to when it comes to his hobbies. Brags at every moment but doesn't do it in malice. He just never got praise from his parents.


Vic Carney had a pretty shitty start to life. His parents despised him since he was born but surprisingly spoilt him as they were rich. He hung out almost 24/7 with his best friend Isurus and his parents were like the ones he should have had. Vic and his stupid family moved to Mepolis in his early teens where he meet Wilbur, his next best friend.

Victor Carney hatched out of his egg on the 1st November 1983 in the mountainous city, Utlan. His (very well-off) Utlan-born parents (both plane dragon prototypes (Randy 1952 and Heed 1960) had trouble conceiving and had a previous miscarriage so he's a rainbow baby, or at least that's what they told him...

In reality, Heed and Randy never wanted children but were convinced by the scientists in charge of their species to have them by bribing them with loads of money. They took on the offer (Where they would receive the money a month after the kid hatched) and tried for a baby. On the 17th Feb 1980 hatched Quinn. He was very similar in appearance to Victor. A month afterwards, Randy grew impatient waiting for the money. He receives the news that the promise of money was cancelled. Enraged, Randy thundercunted Quinn on the hard floor, killing him. His parents covered the murder up as an accident. Three years later, the scientists tried to convince them again, promising upfront payment. They accepted and Vic hatched in November.

Due to him not meaning to exist due to being a government experiment, he has a range of deformities (like PMDS) and is stunted in development. Vic obviously doesn't have any siblings, though he wishes he did. His parents tended to be neglectful and were often out of the house and sometimes for days at a time, so Vic obviously didn't develop a solid relationship with them. He had issues with bed wetting for a couple years. His family was well off and despite ignoring him as much as possible, they did spoil him. His parents always called him a troubled kid who had too much energy and was very hard to discipline. You couldn't make him sit still even for a minute, he always wanted to get out of the house and socialise. Vic was also incredibly naïve (worth noting).

Vic picked up skiing as a hobby since age 4 (not surprising considering being born into a family of skiers). Despite being athletic, he was a pretty fat kid. When he was 5, Randy was fixing the roof with Victor sitting right underneath outside. Vanta, Vic's grandma wasn't far away. Randy had an idea to try kill him and let a brick drop on his head. Vic immediately got knocked out and Randy thought he killed him. He dug a pit in the back yard to throw Vic into. Vanta walked into the front yard to see Vic sprawled out and bleeding from his head, nose and mouth. She freaked out and saved him before Randy could come back for him and finish the job. Vic recovered but had a nasty dent in his skull. This is likely why Vic is so stupid now and has seizures and nosebleeds as the brick caused brain damage. At around 6 his parents realised that Vic sucked at school so in short he got help and accommodations. He was tested for dyscalculia and dyslexia but turns out he was and is just incredibly stupid. Even with all the tutors and help he was getting, his improvement was minimal so he was held back a grade since age 9. His tutor also recommended that he attended a special needs school but Vic refused as he would lose his friends.

This was the period when Vic started becoming very emotional and sensitive. At 13 (sep 1997) his family moved to Mepolis forcing him to move to Wilbur's school. Vic joined Will's group (Marshal included) not realising they were unpopular so popular kids started being weirded out by Vic (in his previous school he was popular and had a good reputation). He was beginning to get a little pissed that his reputation was now in shambles but he was still super grateful for his new friends. When first introducing himself in class he accidentally called himself Ripley as he wasn't concentrating and only realised this after others started calling him that, so the nickname stuck and became an inside joke. Victor joined lots of sports groups in school too, notably baseball, tennis and badminton. He also started skating cause he missed skiing too much. In mid 1998 Vic made friends with Narco and his weird group.

After Will regrettably got laid in December 1999 with Constance, Vic was curious about mating so to see if he even liked girls at all, because Wilbur accidentally made him question himself he asked her to fuck him (Will didn't care at all). She agreed but when it was time to do the deed Vic couldn't get hard and ended up just fingering her and confirmed himself as gay.

Victor also had a site account similar to a youtube channel that he uploaded dumbass videos he took of himself and Narco found out about it. Narco figured he could get some online clout by using the channel. He forced Vic to partake in challenges that were not safe at all. In the name of friendship, Narco forced Vic to become a living dartboard, pushed him into a cactus, made him eat gross things etc etc. Victor being stupid totally believed that these were just jokes. Wilbur was the camera man.

Every winter, Vic's family stayed in Utlan for at least a week. In late december he went skiing again in Utlan. There he got seriously injured because a noob crashed into him at a high speed. The noob ended up dying in hospital and Vic also had to stay there for 2 weeks.

At around early 2000 Vic started getting a crush on Wilbur. In July of that year, when it was Will's 15th birthday Vic forgot about it and rushed home to bring a random plane model kit to Will and then got really upset. Him, Will and Marshal were outside at the time and Will kept telling Vic that it's no big deal at all and Marshal jokingly told him to kiss Vic better and he did (on the cheek). Vic took that seriously and thought Will liked him back so in turn Vic liked Will even more. Around October, Vic started drawing nsfw art of Will in a notebook. Vic also got lots of boners around Will and kept trying to hide them.

During a sleepover in November Vic thought of a 'great' idea and shoved a dildo up his slit to try plug his cock in and stop the boners but his dick kept pushing it out so Vic excused himself and while he was out, Will was curious about the notebook and looked through it a little. Vic came back, and grabbed the book out of sheer embarrassment asking him if he saw the porn. Will was confused as he didn't see anything weird and joked that Vic totally drew porn of him and Vic was horrified and admitted and apologised about it. Will was stunned but not angry. Vic admitted his love for him at this moment. Will got really sad for him as he didn't see Vic romantically and told him to wait it out or get over him.

Wilbur was invited by Vic to go skiing together. They went in December through the 17-24th and this is where things turned frisky. Wilbur asked Vic to see his dick out of curiosity expecting it to be casual/not a gay thing and tldr they ended up showing each other's dicks and banged. (To clarify, Will still didn't like Vic but couldn't care less about fucking his best friend). Wilbur explained to him that this didn't confirm their relationship but he was alright about screwing and being physically affectionate with him as friends and that he would think things over. Wilbur was also introduced to Isurus, Vic’s childhood friend.

Jan 7th 2001, 2 weeks after the holiday, Vic woke up very early from severe stomach cramps. After that he ends up laying an egg. Shaking and confused he phones Wilbur and he comes to see him. Will thought Vic was pranking him. Will asks Vic's parents about what's going on because Vic is mortified and without a word, they take Vic to the hospital to let the doctors explain to him about his condition. There Vic learns that he has an intersex condition called Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome. Vic was grossed out and asked about getting his uterus removed but they refused. The scientists in charge of him specifically ‘coded’ this condition into his genes. His egg was taken to be incubated. Vic went through a period of melancholy at this time, trying to cope with the news. The egg never hatched and he was able to visit his dead fetus daughter with Will after it was confirmed dead in Feb 5th. This fucked him up mentally for a while too. It really took a toll on him knowing the reality of his biology.

Vic and Will, still in their situationship, decided to try dating after Vic recovered mentally in late Feb. Marshal hated this news as he thought Vic was a creep.

In March of 2001 Victor got his driver’s license and drove Marshal and Will around to celebrate. After a road rage incident he confronts a pretty jacked up bear guy and fights with him. The bear’s fiancé breaks them up. All Vic got was punched in the snout and torso (plus minor scratches). After that they went to get ice cream.

Around April he has another encounter with the same bear and fights him again.

May 2nd rolls around and Vic and his two friends were in school during lunch outside playing at the tennis courts. They hear the lockdown alarm. They hid in bushes not far away. Will contemplated leaving entirely due to him being able to fly over the gates. Vic tried climbing over them but got cut by the razor wire. They emerged later when they heard commotion from the main entrance. The shooter was arrested. 20 were injured and 6 died including someone that Vic knew. Will and Marshal were picked up leaving Vic behind. Vic noticed Sarcide got injured. All the while, as the attack was broadcasted and Vic's parents were watching, they were joking about Vic hopefully dying. After this his school enforced more restrictions towards carnivores, forcing them to wear shock collars while in school premises.

One day in July, Vic was in the living room looking at old photos in an album and found an image of him as a baby but it confused him as to why his tail fin was a different colour. He asked his mom who took the album away from him stashing it away and told him that the 'timeless' album shouldn't be messed around with. He shrugs it off and continues looking through a different album. This time he saw more photos of himself and couldn't believe his eyes. The photo was of him and the date read March 1980. He couldn't imagine himself truly being 20 years old according to the photo. He once again asked his mom if they got his birthday wrong. Heed had to admit that he had a brother that actually hatched but died a month after called Quinn.. or so she said.. Vic gets pissed at his parents constantly keeping secrets from him.

Wilbur's new twin siblings hatched on Aug 6th. Vic got excited over them and wanted to see. He fell in love with them and cared for them whenever he had spare time. They got attached to him and were upset when Vic had to leave. One time he babysat them and Shrike when Will and his parents were out. During this, Shrike asked Vic to try out his skateboard. Vic let him under supervision in Will's front yard but a while later, Will's mom phoned him to check on the twins. He left Shrike alone but when he came back, turns out Shrike rode it into the small gorge behind Will's house, fell and lost it. Victor got real sad. In reality, Shrike hid it cause he wanted to steal it. In october Heed and Randy threatened to kick Vic out of the house the day he turned 18. Vic had to turn to Will for a plan and he told him to find a job to pay for a house. Vic called Narco to ask him to be his roommate. Narco refused. Victor went to an interview but ended up yapping about how good of a skier he is the entire time. Wilbur called him retarded and 'trained' him to ace interviews. He then found a job at Wacky Buns (subway/burgerking knockoff). He hated it there and got fired a month in over food contamination. Before Vic got fired he begged Narc to let him stay in his place with Scorchie and Derek but Narco told him to pay a deposite of 200 bucks to prove he could pay for rent.

The day Vic turned 18, Randy beat him unconscious and dragged him out of the house. Victor almost died a second time to his dad. He gathered Vic's stuff in boxes and told him to collect it. Wilbur found Vic, got an ambulance to pick him up and he had some bruised ribs and pain in his jaw. Vic felt something dripping out his ass and checks it out and realised that Randy also raped him while he was unconscious. He cried most of the day. Vic moved in with Narco. Victor started to piss in bed again due to nightmares of his dad and Will bought him diapers. Narco relentlessly made fun of him. In dec 2001 Victor and Wilbur go skiing again. Vic and Isurus entered a freestyle competition and Vic got 5th place. He broke down like a baby. Vic grew out his hair without his parents intervening for the first time in his life. Victor saved enough to afford to spend august of 2002 in Cantelona with Isurus. Vic decided to socially change his birthday to March 1st due to trauma. In May 2014 Victor was completely neutered and got every sex organ removed due to cancer risks.


Body quirks Can wrap his tongue around his snout. It grosses Marshal out. His slit sometimes leaks blood. Has loads of healed injuries. Broke bones at least once a year. Gets focal seizures. Has medullary bone. Blood is acidic and orange. Nose bleeds when he's stressed. Weak stomach. Throws up when Wilbur shows him gross stuff. Terrific night-vision and has glowy eyes. Pisses out his ass (semi-cloaca). Can grab things with his feet. Has a 'female' neck. Has a pollen allergy.
Conception Personality inspired by Ian from old Smosh.
Preferences Really likes sweet stuff like ice-cream, milk shakes and donuts. especially the pink frosted ones. Is always seen eating snacks, usually has some in his pockets but doesn't like sharing. Would have been a fatass if it wasn't for his very active lifestyle. Fave colour is lime green.
Reproduction Victor is an intersex male with PMDS and Klinefelter's syndrome. The scientists that ran the jet dragon project altered the Heed's egg's genetics to give her kid an intersex condition while she was pregnant with Vic. In the end result, Vic got (a fictional version of) PMDS. Due to Klinefelter's he was on TRT since hatching; his muscle mass was in the normal range due to this and his outward appearance developed like males his age. He is capable of getting pregnant but not impregnating as he can't make sperm. Inside his genital slit at the back wall there is a cervix and through it are his female organs. They are fully functional. He's (female side) fertile for 4 days in a row every two months and during this time he feels horny and weird. His eggs take 2 weeks to mature before he lays them which is unusually quick. They hatch in a month. The clutch size varies but is about 1-10 eggs in size. Labour cramps hurt him but passing the eggs doesn't. The offspring that comes from his eggs tends to die within a week due to deformities. Vic also sometimes cums blood.
Speech UTLAN ACCENT!! His accent was Utlan (Australian equivalent) until he moved to Mepolis. It turned local there after a couple months.
Cognitive ability Genuinely really stupid. Like really fucking stupid. Probably has an IQ in the 80s. Would only ever wear a helmet if it was suddenly fashionable. Believed in santa until he was 18 (Wilbur and Narco told him). Has a really hard time with common sense but can randomly blurt out smart things once in a while that confuses Will.
Behaviour Gets clingy and emotionally attached to others quickly. Touchy. Loves grabbing ppl and having skin to skin contact and does it subconsciously. Despite complaining that Wilbur is gross, Vic sees no issue in drinking puddle water, licking food off tables, eating someone else's left overs and not cleaning up before or after sex. Likes to mark ppl as his using his own uhh fluids? Like biting, licking, cumming into. Is mostly a switch but can be a super clingy and whiny sub. Addicted to attention. Not immune to peer pressure at all. Apparently is so fucking sweaty, greasy and yucky all the time, leaks way too much bodily fluids for comfort (drool, blood, vomit, sweat), is so fucking messy, half his clothes are torn in some way and have stains, and is way too musky (which is both a turn on and turn off). Loves looking after lil kids. Likes skipping in public. Addicted to chewing stuff.
Reputation Known for being WEIRD.



[Best friends]

Both ski well and think they are better than the other. Isurus loves play fighting with Vic and winning. Before Vic left for Mepolis, they put eachother's blood into vials that they both kept. Isurus wears his as a necklace.



[Best friend fuck buddies]

Wilbur and Victor became friends in september of 1997. Vic immediately latched onto Will's weird personality and found him very interesting from the start. Wilbur liked how extraverted he was, more so than Marshal. After realising that Wilbur is much smarter than him, he started using him for advice and relied on him for intellectual info. He thought very highly of Will for this reason and thought of him as superior. Wilbur found Victor easy to manipulate (not for ill intent) for some reason, due to Vic's massive respect towards him. The only thing Vic wouldn't listen to was Will's concerns on Vic's physical safety.

Wilbur grew more open with Vic and as they were teens they met up loads and did stuff. Vic really liked seeing Will try the stuff he likes doing. Victor got a crush on Wilbur. He saw Will as adorable and hot. Will didn’t like him back though, he just saw him as a friend. After they started fucking, Will was neutral on mating with him but was worried that it would alter their friendship in a bad way.


[Bad terms]

Vic and him met at the same time with Wilbur. Marshal was left out quite a lot after Vic's arrival because Vic and Will became close at short notice. It was tolerable at first since Vic and Will just hang out at school as a group with him but after a couple weeks they starting meeting up after school hours. Marshal was invited and did go to most of these outings but felt like the odd one out since Vic and Will had an easier time doing activities that Marshal didn't like. Marshal grew to dislike Vic due to him practically taking Wilbur away from him. That said, Vic tried including Marsh in their shenanigans but Marsh always either complained that the stuff they do is too dangerous or not to his tastes. At some point in late 2000 Marsh almost never hung out with Victor anymore but started hanging out with Will one-on-one more (by not inviting Vic).

When Vic and Will started dating, Marsh had enough of it. Marsh tried to label Vic as a creep for dating someone almost 2 years younger than him, having mated with Will when he wasn't at the age of consent, and told Will that Vic isn't worth his time. Will obviously got annoyed at this because he didn't give a shit about his relationship making others unreasonably uncomfortable and thought that he himself was more of a creep than Vic ever could be. Marsh was adamant and threatened to get the police involved unless Vic and Will broke up and Vic left them alone. Wilbur had to knock some sense into him by saying he will hang out more with Marsh because it was obvious that Marsh was jealous.


[Mother (bad terms)]

Heed hated Victor from the moment he hatched and never felt a shred of affection towards him. She was careful to not show this side of her but just either ignored Victor or gave very flat replies when he asked her things. To make him shut up, she would spoil him with what he wanted in return for leaving her alone.



[Father (bad terms)]

Randy is hateful to Vic but doesn't show it often. He is an absolute psycho. Victor got life-time brain damage due to Randy dropping a brick on his head as a kid.




Is friends with Victor and was hit on by him which annoyed the bjesus out of him. Narco forced Vic to do dangerous things on camera for youtube clout like throwing darts on his body and making him drink eggnogg till he threw up and pushing him into cactuses. Vic never realised just how shitty their friendship was.




A dinosaur that's in love with Vic and believes he is a female. They have mated successfully twice but their offspring never hatched. Toshi is super attached to him.




Was friendly with Vic. They almost ended up fucking but Victor couldn't get hard so Vic just gave her a handjob to compensate (he didn't enjoy that). Connie had a slight crush on him.



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