Content relating to:
NAME | Wilbur Macrothorax | ALIASES | Will |
GENDER | Male | ORIENTATION | Bisexual |
RELATIONSHIP | Victor | SPECIES | Electric/venom dragon |
AGE | 31 (died) | HEIGHT | 5'0" |
BIRTHDAY | 14th Jul 1985 | STAR SIGN | Cancer |
OCCUPATION | Chemist and astrophysicist | VOICE CLAIM | Zach Braff |
DEATH DATE | 7th Oct 2016 |
POSITION | Either | ROLE | Sub |
GENITALS | Knotted tapered dick | LIBIDO | Average |
Wilbur was always a strange antisocial hermit. He always had a cripplingly low self-esteem because of his appearance, which he despises. Due to his insecurity he always tried to appear tough-skinned, and one way he did this was by trolling and consuming NSFL content (and bragging about it). An edgelord times 50 plus having an astronomical ego. basically. His family, especially his brother hated this part of him. Marsh and Vic did discourage him (especially Marsh)but were mostly neutral on it. Will doesn't care that the stuff he does is questionable, he does whatever he wants. Wilbur is a diagnosed ADHDer, very likely has ODD and OCD. Since he is painfully insecure about his appearance and no one knows why, he hates dressing up in ways that can draw attention to himself and never smiled in family or school photos. Even in photos with Victor he appears uncomfortable. Wilbur also hates being acknowledged in public and hates knowing that others know him. Despite hating himself, he admits to being a self-proclaimed narcissistic empath. He thinks it’s logical to care about other's emotions and ignore his own. Wilbur’s very self aware in this regard. He tried to make his friends comfortable at his expense, going along with Vic’s romance just because he cares for him.
At the same time he knew that he wasn’t good enough partner for Vic and had a shitty time setting boundaries. He always tried to make Vic happy but not himself even though it made them both feel worse in the long run. Wilbur despises being restricted in any way by anyone. If he gets told ’no’ he will go against that just out of spite. This is pretty much his greatest life motivator. He loves proving to others that he doesn’t take shit from anybody and he always thought that those that don’t like him or are uncomfortable around him are illogical and unjust. He loves whining about how he hasn’t done anything wrong yet people still hate him. Will creates lots of transgressive art, mostly to show off how desensitised and rebellious he is. He purposefully makes his art as grotesque as he can, just to gross others out.
Wilbur had a moderate upbringing in a nice middle class family. He's the second oldest from 4 siblings. He isn't a fan of his family as he thinks they are unfair towards him and his interests. He started dating Vic in highschool but wasn't incredibly comfortable dating in general. He stuck with it though despite feeling off for Victor's sake. Wilbur finished highschool and immediately went to college to study astrophysics.
Wilbur Macrothorax hatched on the 14th July 1985 in Mepolis. He's the middle child to Lawrence and Sylvia. Will was alright as a kid, he was rebellious but in a sneaky way but always presented himself as timid to others. He doesn't know if he did this intentionally due to his personality or if he was truly that shy. Wilbur also hated his appearance for some reason and never wanted to be photographed, he always had his teeth bared in any. Will and Marshal were long time friends since he was 4. Marshal and Will met in kindergarten. When Will’s brother Shrike hatched in 1989, he hated him immediately and was very jealous of the attention Shrike got. Wilbur was diagnosed with ADHD in march of 1992 (mostly fitting the inattentive symptoms) and till his death took ritalin. Wilbur was inconsistent in taking this drug in the first few years. The effect this drug had on him wasn't too good. It may have made him improve executive functioning but it left him constantly drowsy and nervous. He also had trouble eating. Lawrence introduced Will to rock skipping when taking Will fishing with him.
Will always had a fascination with projectiles, guns and ragdoll physics. He started taking this hobby seriously by buying airsoft guns and doing targeting outside his house. In school, Wilbur started an interest in all things physics and chemistry related. He frequently stole chemicals from school without being caught and used them in trial and error experiments at home. Victor moved to Will’s school in Sep of 1997 and they became friends. Wilbur's personality during puberty took a shift to the worse. He became brazenly callous and borderline sociopathic. Many in school didn't like him due to his covert narcissism. Some would say that he's impossible to bully as he always came up with something 10 times worse as revenge. Wilbur was over-exposed to the internet and stumbled upon stuff he shouldn't have at that age. He became addicted shock content and gore and would brag about being desensitised to classmates. He even challenged them to watch some videos without looking away to appear tough-skinned and badass. This worked but he became known as that one edgelord creep. On the 26th april 1998, Wilbur got a giant snail pet and named it Peppers. Connie took a liking to him in September of 1999 and asked him to date in chemistry class one day. Will never liked her but decided to try it out for the experience. Due to this, Will was coerced into stuff he regretted doing.
Wilbur even began email scamming people in 2000 as a side-hustle. It was moderately successful and he used the money for airsoft gear. One time he scammed someone $45 only for Victor to come crying to him saying he was scammed. Wilbur realised it was Vic he accidently scammed and returned the money but never admitted it was truly him. Despite this he still continued scamming. In April 2000 his school hosted a science contest. Will conjured up a type of glue that closes wounds very quickly and stops bleeding. In the making of the prototype he tested it on live rats. During the actual contest he asked for volunteers but after no one wanted to be one he cut his upper left arm and tried it on himself. The glue worked a little but left a scar. Victor always talked about his friend Isurus with Wilbur and how much he missed him. He kept showing him photos of him and Will got a small liking to him. When Vic and Will went to Utlan over december 2000, he skied on the first day but then switched to snowboarding just to mess with Vic. Vic introduced Will to Isurus and left them alone for a while. They discussed Victor and how odd he is. During the convo Wilbur was sort of flustered. After Vic and Will mated and Vic layed his egg, Wilbur was quite annoyed at Vic pestering him about his miscarriage when it happened. Wilbur never liked babies and never wanted kids ever. Victor kept trying to convince Will to marry him and start a family even though Wilbur told him plenty of times that he didn't want to. Vic also got frustrated seeing Wilbur's unempathetic reaction to their miscarriage. Wilbur was secretly still pissed about Vic's baby obsession but after seeing him be so miserable for a month he decided to make their relationship official. He did this mostly just to make Victor cheer up. Peppers the snail died naturally in March of 2001.
Wilbur's twin siblings hatched on August 6th 2001. He also wasn't a fan of them, especially that his parents made him look after them. Victor however loved them and always made time to see and care for them. In september, Vic and Will got caught hugging when Shrike peeked through Will's bedroom window. He snitched on them to his dad but Lawrence brushed it off and said it's just them being friends. Shrike continued to stalk them and on the 19th Sep saw them mating. Will and Vic thought they were alone in the house. Shrike confronted them and threatned to tell his dad and Vic restrained Shrike and Wilbur begged him not to tell. Vic started crying. When his parents came back, Shrike snitched to his dad but Will claimed that he was making it up in order to get Vic kicked out of the house as they hate eachother. Lawrence didn't know what to believe so he trusted Will's claim. A week later, as Vic was saying bye to Will before leaving Will's house, they kissed but it was all caught on video from Shrike hiding and secretly taping them. Shrike showed this to Lawrence and he was so livid. He demanded that Vic be banned from the house and that Will wasn't allowed to see him at all. Lawrence visited Randy to tell him to comply with this. Randy reveals that almost a year ago Vic layed an egg that Will was responsible for. This fiasco dealed a blow to Will and Vic's relationship. Wilbur was punished in the form of conversion therapy. Instead of meeting inside, the pair met up outside and mated in odd public areas like in forests and beach sheds. Wilbur was getting stressed out over this change and was more paranoid over knocking Vic up. Wilbur broke up with Vic on October 10th due to this stress. They no longer were affectionate with each other and mating was stopped. During Will's second ski trip with Vic, he hit on Isurus. In March 2002 Wilbur got cryptosporidiosys and had to be quarantined for a month. He was also hospitalised because he was dehydrated. Wilbur started to miss Vic a lot, even believing he liked him. He tried to deny it but he did feel intense love for him. As soon as he was discharged, he payed Vic a visit and fucked him.
Wilbur got his scar on his snout from a sulphuric acid burn in 3rd Sep 2009. It was concentrated and left him permanently scarred.
Body quirks | Flicks his tongue out constantly like a lizard. Is ambidextrous. |
Preferences | Plays chess. Great at it. Has a huge fear of pools and deep water. |
Behaviour | Looks intensely at animal corpses and watches animals eat each other. He has a snapping turtle that he watches eat pinkies. Pokes dead animals with sticks and picks them up to show everyone. Fucked his plushies. Others believe he's arrogant after first meeting him. |
Isurus and Wilbur don't have much in common but are connected by their friendship to Victor. Isurus gave Will advice on how best to handle Vic and his out of pocket behaviour. Wilbur crushed on Isurus in his teens.
Wilbur and Victor became friends in september of 1997. Vic immediately latched onto Will's weird personality and found him very interesting from the start. Wilbur liked how extraverted he was, more so than Marshal. After realising that Wilbur is much smarter than him, he started using him for advice and relied on him for intellectual info. He thought very highly of Will for this reason and thought of him as superior. Wilbur found Victor easy to manipulate (not for ill intent) for some reason, due to Vic's massive respect towards him. The only thing Vic wouldn't listen to was Will's concerns on Vic's physical safety.
Wilbur grew more open with Vic and as they were teens they met up loads and did stuff. Vic really liked seeing Will try the stuff he likes doing. Victor got a crush on Wilbur. He saw Will as adorable and hot. Will didn’t like him back though, he just saw him as a friend. After they started fucking, Will was neutral on sex with him but was worried that it would alter their friendship in a bad way.
Were good friends in childhood but since Vic appeared they started drifting apart.
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